Exceptional Civil War letter from the perspective of a displaced Virginian woman
Miss Mary Foster of Virginia writes her friend Mrs. Simonton from her refuge in
Glenville, West Virginia during General Mosby's raids in 1864
She writes in part:
"We can truly sympathize with you having lost many dear precious little ones-
out of thirteen children she has only four left- they are our first angels in heaven."
"I received a letter from Edwin Harris [Captain].. is on the coast protecting the government fisheries... General Ransom's brigade was in the fight at Plymouth."
"If we can only destroy Grant I think war will end... Thousands of the noble and brave have
fallen during this cruel war and if it lasts only God knows how many more will become victims."
"My brother is still in prison- the exchange goes on very slowly... He says the happiest moment of any life will be when I land upon Virginia soil."
"Colonel Mosby has been flying around as usual taking prisoners... keeping the yanks in constant alarm... the yanks having to evacuate a little village where they
had a few thousands troops all the winter about a dozen miles from us- I hope
they are gone forever."
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